Tuesday 25 August 2015



By wakeup-world.com - Wes Annac

You probably don’t need me to tell you that spirituality isn’t all about feeling positive or uplifted. The enlightenment path requires us to sacrifice things that hold us back and keep us from making spiritual progress, and maybe this is where the literal notion of religious sacrifice first originated; from the external and even internal sacrifices we have to make on the enlightenment path.
Why do we have to make sacrifices on the spiritual path? Because there are a lot of things here on Earth that stop us from making genuine progress toward enlightenment, so we are best to release or avoid these things if we want to elevate our consciousness and contribute to the awakening of others.
The purpose of self-sacrifice isn’t to boss ourselves around or give up things we cherish, unless they cause serious damage – it’s to detach from things that are destructive or which hold us back, so we can make room for more wholesome elements in our life, that accelerate our evolution.

Here, I’ll discuss five things you’ll want to consider releasing from your life, if your goal is to walk a spiritual path without falling back into limiting habits and mindsets. Taking steps to rid ourselves of these attachments right now will allow us to forge ahead with strength and clarity. Over time, they will fade away and eventually stop influencing our lives.

1. Negative or Toxic People

I’m sure we all know someone who seems overly negative or constantly upset with life. Energetically speaking, we’ll want to keep our distance from them for the sake of our spiritual growth.
We’re all subconsciously connected, and the words and actions of people we’re close with can affect us in a deeper way than we realize. When we’re around other people, we tend to be influenced (subconsciously or otherwise) by their expressions and, sometimes, their outbursts. If we aren’t careful, we can end up repeating or reflecting their behavior and energy, find ourselves frustrated with life or with the people around us, without even realizing we were influenced by someone else’s negativity.
With all of this said, we should remember that the issue isn’t always black and white. We might have a loved one who means a lot to us but who tends to dwell in negativity, or who has random or not so random outbursts (or their opinion on any issue may just be too pessimistic to take). We don’t want to abandon our family or people we’re close with just because of their (relative) negativity, so we’ll have to find some kind of middle ground. We don’t want to spend so much time with them that they start to influence us, but we don’t want to avoid them just because we don’t like how they feel, or express themselves.
Walking a true path of enlightenment, we’ll want to stay balanced and listen to our intuition when we’re met with any difficult relationships and circumstances. Our intuition will help us to make the best and most helpful decisions to our spiritual wellbeing. It is also possible to spend time with a pessimistic or angry loved one while finding ways to stay impervious to their negativity.

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