Saturday 29 August 2015



By - Matt Duczeminski

If you’ve ever been through a time in your life in which you were constantly stressed out, you probably felt less and less like “yourself” each day, and more like a worn out shell of a human. While you may have thought “This stress is killing me,” you most likely persevered through the tough times without really doing anything to alleviate your pains. However, doing so only prolongs and exacerbates the issue at hand, and causes long-lasting detrimental effects to your body if left unchecked. Know the signs of stress before it overtakes you completely.

1. You’re exhausted

If you have trouble getting out of bed everyday, despite getting a full night’s rest, you’re probably clinically exhausted. Jane Pernotto Ehrman, M. Ed., a behavioral health specialist at Cleveland Clinic’s Wellness Institute, reports, “Stress is an energy-drainer, because it secretly sends all of your body systems into overdrive.” Since your body feels like it’s working overtime, even getting a good night’s sleep is not enough to recharge it for the following day. Take action to reduce the stress in your life. Your body will thank you.

2. You can’t sleep
Ironically, despite being incredibly exhausted at all times, when you’re stressed out it becomes increasingly more difficult to actually fall sleep. Stress-related insomnia stems from not being able to stop thinking about all your obligations in life, combined with the fact that your body is still in “overdrive mode” regardless of what time it is. And, of course, since you can’t sleep, you’ll be even more exhausted the following day, which will only serve to increase your stress load.

3. You’re always sick

Obviously, if you’re having trouble sleeping, sickness will follow shortly after insomnia has taken hold. Since your body has been working overtime during this stressful period, it hasn’t had any time to actually recover from any minor illness or disease that has crept in, and you’ll have a hard time fighting off even the smallest cold. Studies have shown your immune system becomes suppressed by about 30% when you’re stressed out. Taking a “mental health day” is often a euphemism for “skipping work,” but sometimes it needs to be done in order to maintain a healthy mind and body.

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