Thursday 17 September 2015



by - Sayer Ji

The science has never been clearer: flaxseed deserves to be top of the list of the world’s most powerful medicinal foods. For just pennies a day it may protect against dozens of life-threatening health conditions. 
Many of us have been enculturated to think about the nutritional dimension of our food intake in terms of the government’s recommended daily allowances (RDAs), focusing on getting the “right” amounts of carbohydrate, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals. However, I believe this focus on the quantifiable dimensions of food versus the qualitative elements has profoundly lead us astray. We bear witness to this in the fact that Americans are some of the most overfed yet simultaneously malnourished people on the planet. It is no wonder that we we are dying by the droves, with heart disease and cancer representing the most common (and also most preventable) causes of premature death.
What if there was a nutrient-packed super-food which costs pennies a day that can greatly reduce the risk of dying not only these, but dozens of other life-threatening conditions?
Would you take it?
The good news is there already is: welcome to the amazing nutritional / medicinal potential of flaxseed!

70 Reasons To Consume Flaxseed Daily

Admittedly, the title of this article is a bit over the top. Wouldn’t five good reasons, or even just one good reason be enough to consume it more regularly? After all, think of the millions of people around the world who take aspirin daily only because it promises to reduce the risk for one condition: namely, prevention of heart attack. A practice, incidentally, that is dubious at best, and for which natural and likely far safer and effective alternatives may exist. If we can establish the preventive value of flaxseed in only one serious condition, perhaps this alone would be compelling enough to convince our readers to start incorporating it into their daily dietary regimen. However, for those nutrition geeks out there who like to read the first-hand research, here’s our flaxseed database page, wherein you will find all the abstracts we have gathered on the topic of this seed’s immense potential in preventing and/or treating up to 70 different health conditions.

7 Flaxseed Healing Highlights

Below you will find our top 7 reports on flaxseed’s immense health benefits, including their role in preventing and/or reversing the #1 and #2 killers, namely, cardiovascular disease and cancer.
  1. They Can Heal Your Arteries
  2. They Can Contain Beneficial Plant Estrogens
  3. They Can Reduce Your Breast Cancer Mortality by 70%
  4. They Can Protect Against Ovarian Cancer
  5. They Protect Against Radiation Toxicity
  6. They Can Dilate Your Arteries
  7. They Can Treat Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
For those who are interested in how best to take advantage of flaxseed’s many health benefits, but are unsure what is the best way to consume it, we address some of the most common questions below.

Should I Eat The Seeds Ground or Whole? 

First, keep in mind that flaxseeds are Nature’s ingenious design for preserving the precious cargo inside: highly therapeutic, though fragile polyunsaturated fatty acids, amino acids, and other fat soluble vitamins. This also means that you don’t have to worry about refrigerating it. Once the seed is ground up and exposed to air, light, ambient fluctuations in temperature, and time, it begins to “go bad,” i.e. oxidize and degrade. This is why many make a daily practice of grinding up their own seeds in a coffee grinder to ensure maximum freshness. While I think this is a great idea, not everyone will have the time or desire to adhere to this daily routine. This is why some purchase pre-ground flaxseed. I am not against the practice. My only stipulation is that the buyer make sure the manufacturer has nitrogen-flushed the container so that oxygen didn’t get into the package at the time of manufacture.

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