Ear infections are nasty. They can leave a person completely out of commission for days and for children, who are particularly prone to them, an ear infection can last for weeks.
The medical term for an ear infection is otitis and there are three different areas in which infection can thrive:
External Otitis
This is general referred to as swimmer’s ear and affects the outer ear and canal. With this type of pain, the ear is increasingly sensitive to touch and may appear red or inflamed. The cause is generally a bacterial build up or fungal infection on the skin in the ear tube.
Otitis Media or Middle Ear Infection
This type of pain comes as a result of ear drum perforation or the buildup of fluid behind the eardrum. This is most common in children but can happen to all ages. The pain is more of a deeper throbbing sensation and can often cause fever and headaches.
Otitis Internal
This inner ear infection can cause loss of hearing and balance problems as the inner ear includes sensory organs for balance. When the inner ear is inflamed it can lead to vertigo and severe fever and headaches.