A lot of people don't know this but you can do yoga to actually reduce tummy fat and fat deposits in other parts of the body. There are numerous yoga positions that have been specifically developed to deal with belly fat; these are variations with twists of the basic yoga exercises.
When you do yoga correctly, it improves your ability to breathe in a specific manner and the end result is a fat free stomach with toned muscles and an entirely fit body. You can consult a yoga teacher to assist you to learn the different poses and motions in this form of exercise that will burn fat and cholesterol even in the deepest parts of the human body.
Yoga is a combination of poses and deep breathing exercises that will help to burn fat in the deepest parts of your body. Not only will Yoga help you to burn belly fat, it will also pump you up with energy for other duties.
Take a deep breathe and curl your toes under, drop your tummy as you try gazing at the ceiling. When moving your spine your objective should be to begin at the tailbone so that you finish the move at the neck.
Breath out slowly as you rest the top of your feet on the floor, try to round your spine as you slowly drop the head until you can see your navel.
You can learn to repeat the cat cow pose with each inhalation and exhalation while moving your body as you breathe. Try to do this motion for five breaths as you attempt to move the entire spine only returning to the starting position with your last breathe.
The cat cow yoga position is one of the best yoga exercises for your belly fat because apart from toning and conditioning your muscles, it will definitely increase your spine’s flexibility. It will also tone your abdominal wall while massaging your internal body organs. The best benefit is that the exercise will also assist to clear any of your emotional baggage.
For the cobra yoga pose, lie on the ground on your tummy with your hands under the shoulders. Bring up your entire upper body using the strength of your back muscles with your head held up. Try to resist from seeking the help of your hands as you let them remain on the ground or perhaps try to hold them over the hips at your back.
This form of exercise will help to keep your dorsal spine flexible and strong while preventing backache that can come from straining. You will also help in reducing large amounts of belly fat at the same time.
The boat pose is an exercise that can be done with or without any props that come with yoga. Begin in the seated position, try lifting your legs and the entire upper body so that your body forms a V-shape. If you find this hard, then you can bend the knees. Hold the position for at least 30 seconds and repeat twice. You can use two stools to support your legs if you are a beginner and feel a strain on your back.
The sun salutation yoga pose can also help you to burn belly fat quickly because as you progress with the poses you will actually feel your heart pumping faster even as your lungs open up. This yoga pose can be a sort of a warm up exercise before you get into other yoga poses and can be done by people of all ages. It also works out all muscle groups.
The sun salutation combines 12 yoga positions that combines motion and breathing techniques with each of the 12 positions concentrating on a different body part.
Start by standing with your feet together and your palms held in a prayer position in front of your chest.
Inhale as you push your arms above your head with your legs straight while your neck is relaxed.
Exhale and fold your body forward and try to reach your finger tips to your toes, bend your knees if you need to.
Inhale as you bend forwards, putting one leg in front and one leg behind you. Your leg in front should be at a right angle. Keep your head up straight.
Exhale and return your front leg to join your back leg. Try to place your weight on the hands and the toes while keeping your chin down so as to retain your breathe as you continue.
Inhale as you begin to lower your arms and stretching back into the cobra pose, toes remain curled under. Try to bend back as far as possible with shoulders and legs kept together. When exhaling curl your toes and raise your hips so that you finally end up in a V position.
When you inhale again, move forward and place one leg between your hands while keeping your chin up as you rest on the floor with one knee. Finally, bring the other leg to the front and bend from the waist with your palms on the floor.
Get back to the standing position as you exhale and brings your arms to your side.
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Have a great day! Namaste
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