By - Benjamin Nowland
Benjamin Nowland moved to inner city Sydney
in 2013 and soon after experienced acute symptoms of electromagnetic radiation
pollution sickness. His physical, mental and spiritual health were profoundly
affected. The only place he functioned was away from Wi-Fi, towers and mobile
devices in a Zero EMF Sanctuary.
In his search for truth, Ben questioned the
suppression of scientific evidence. He asked why adverse health effects of
Wi-Fi, mobile devices, and telco and NBN microwave towers are not shared with
the public? Microwaves are altering our DNA, 24/7. What don’t telcos and mobile
manufacturers want us to know?
In what he called the Sydney EMF Experiment
he used himself as the subject to correlate effects of electromagnetic
radiation. Insights were substantiated with extensive research. Tens of
thousands of dollars in products and mainstream and alternative therapies were
tested during his two-year journey.
In his book, Playing God: Biological and
Spiritual Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation, Ben provides a streamlined path
to discover the invisible, delivering clear revelations around electromagnetic
radiation that will enable you to achieve optimal physical and mental health,
and inspire empowered action.
Here is his article:-
The 1998 US Army document ‘Bioeffects of
Selected Nonlethal Weapons’ says “investigators are even beginning to describe
similarities between microwave irradiation and drugs regarding their effects on
biological systems. For example, some suggest that power density and specific
absorption rate (SAR) of microwave irradiation may be thought of as analogous
to the concentration of the injection solution and the dosage of a drug.” [1]
And, as the ‘volume’ or power density is
turned up on microwave transmissions, with increased antenna towers, Wi-Fi,
Wi-MAX, mobiles etc., we now receive a microwave dose often millions of times
higher than what was studied 20 years ago.
in a nutshell
Post WW-II military radar applications led
to the 2.45 GHz household microwave oven. The same microwave radiation is now
used to communicate. Recently Australia’s spectrum was sold off to telcos.
Desirable blocks including 700 MHz or 0.7 GHz (penetration), 900MHz and 2.6 GHz
(data throughput) bands were acquired. [2] Microwave exposure limits around the
world in 2016 are based on obsolete military-derived thermal effects limits.
According to the standards if your flesh does not cook you are ‘safe’. Yet
adverse biological effects occur at exquisitely low levels of exposure. [3]
on the microwave teat
Like a drug, the wireless paradigm is
alluring. We have access to information wherever we are. We are constantly
‘connected’. Higher power density (radiation) 5G is coming in 2020, enabling
the simultaneous wireless download of 20+ videos rather than ‘only’ one or two.
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