Are you worried about the nutrients in the food that you eat, because you should be? This is very worrying indeed.I have been reading into how nutrient deficient our soils are today. A nutrient deficiency in soils was talked about as far back as 1936!
According to an article on, the degradation of our soils is the result of increasingly intense farming with deep ploughing and rapid crop rotation and even larger fields free of trees allowing the wind and rain to carry away the top layer of soil.
Our soils have already been damaged and it continues at 1cm to 3 cm a year!
Climate change is set to make matters worse with increasing temperatures and water shortages that make the soil dustier as well as heavy rainstorms that wash it away.
What can you do to get more minerals into your diet?
You can buy plant based minerals that contain 75 plant based minerals. We need at least 60 minerals in our diet every day. Plant based minerals are better absorbed by the body than metallic minerals.
If the nutrients are not in the soils today then they are not in the food that we eat and they are not in our bodies either. Supplementation is key here. I cannot stress enough how important minerals are to your health. You cannot absorb the nutrients or vitamins from the food that you eat without enough minerals. This can go on to develop disease. You may feel okay now but sub clinical diseases can take years to develop.
I got sick 3 years ago and was very scared because I could not digest anything I was eating and I was getting thinner and thinner. I now follow a very strict diet to get my digestion strong again. It is much stronger now and I feel great but I still had some fatigue issues and I knew there was something missing. I have been taking plant based minerals for 3 months and I feel great and much stronger with more energy and I sleep much better. My IBS symptoms are at least 90% reduced.
Don't wait until you get sick to take action for better health. If you want to try the minerals for yourself to see how you feel, try them for 3 months (which is the timescale to really feel the benefits). You have nothing to lose.
I am not recommending the minerals because I will make lots of money, I am recommending them to you because I care about other peoples health and wellbeing. I also would not recommend any product to anyone that I hadn't tried myself and thought was safe and worth the investment!